(Scroll down the page to read about each)

  • SMS Opt-In (Digital Business Card with Automatic SMS opt-ins!)

  • Personalized SMS/MMS (New)

  • Personalized Certificates (New)

  • Eternal Newsletter (New) - Never write a newsletter ever again!

  • Eternal Voice Technology - Send personalized audio messages!


  • Omni-Conversational Screen (ONE OF A KIND!!!)

  • Contacts Email and SMS Drips

  • Templates

  • Newsletters

  • Web/Funnel Builder

  • Social Media Dashboard (post directly from CRM to all social)

  • Automations

  • Email/SMS Campaigns

  • eCommerce

  • PayPal/Stripe Integration ... SO Much More


  • One month of one-on-one training (7 total sessions) & Support Included (4 tickets per month and/or 1 hour)

  • Custom Help & Training Modules

  • Always willing and able to jump on Zoom during business hours

Many things claim to unique and powerful..


I've seen enough, I need this!

Political Candidates - Constituent & Voter Management

CRM - Customer Relationship Management

Political CRM

The 3V Eternal CRM produces the fastest, highet quality, and most reliable voter and constituent management system in the marketplace. Our system contains all the usual CRM Features (Contacts, Automations, Dashboards, SMS/Email/Voice) in additional to an exclusive toolkit that is developed for FAST, HIGH VOLUME, AND PERSONALIZED voter communciations.


  • Fully Automated Voter Communications

  • Email, SMS, MMS, Voice, Facebook, Instagram, and even TikTok Communication Channels

  • Personalized MMS, share personalized images with to build better one-on-one relationships.

  • Personalized Donor Management Certificates

  • NEW - Personalized Text-to-Voice Communications in YOUR VOICE

  • Voter Intent Scoring - Identify voters and constituents who are most ready to help your campaign.

  • ... SO MUCH MORE!

Michael Lucy

Political Candidate CRM System Specialist


Where can I get voter & constituent data?

If you have a local or state source for voter and constituent data, that data will easily load into our system. If you do not have access to data, we have a great source for data. Our data starts at $0.025 per contact, so a list of 10,000 residents would cost $250. We also provide phone number and email validation and verification services.

What if I am not tech savvy or do not have a team?

Our CRM and services come in three modes; 1) DIY, do it yourself, 2) DWU, done with you, or 3) DFU, done for you. For all three of the above, we have a help sessions, training material, and our onboarding sessoins.

How much time is required to manage a campaign?

That is entirely up to you. Our system will distribute and send messages and emails. Obviously there will be responses to emails and messages, you can choose to pay as little or much attention to individual responses as you please. We also have built in automations to filter negative and/or positive responses.

What if I need only parts of the CRM or a few plugins, must I subscribe to the entire CRM?

No, we have tiered subscriber packages available as well as ala carte features as needed. We are hear to help you solve your problems, not to make you subscribe to services you do not need.

How much is an Eternal CRM subscription?

The million dollar question, our subscriptions begin at $49 per month for small or local candidates and up to $499 per month for larger state or national candidates. Depending on needs, there may be a setup fee that starts at $99.

Are there any addition or "hidden" costs?

There are no "hidden" costs or fees. There are per unit charges for SMS, Email, and Voice, those per unit charges are clearly communicated when we meet and demo the system. Because of enhanced regulation and compliance for business/organizational SMS and Voice there are small registration fees for SMS and voice but these are very small charges, typically $4-10 registration fees and $1-4 per month compliance charges. You have to pay these regardless of the service you choose.

Utilizing AI for Competitive Analysis in Political Campaigns:

Utilizing AI for Competitive Analysis in Political Campaigns: Unleashing the Power of AI in Political Campaigns

July 17, 20235 min read

In the fast-paced world of political campaigns, staying ahead of the competition is essential for success. With the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced natural language processing (NLP) capabilities, political candidates now have a powerful tool at their disposal. In this article, we will explore how candidates, campaign managers, and consultants can leverage AI, specifically Google Bard and ChatGPT, to conduct competitive analysis, identify weaknesses in their opposition, and formulate strategies to capture more voters.

Understanding the Power of ChatGPT: ChatGPT is an advanced language model developed by OpenAI. It is trained on a massive corpus of text and can generate coherent and contextually relevant responses. This AI-powered tool has the ability to analyze text and identify patterns, making it a valuable asset for competitive analysis in political campaigns.

Analyzing Competitor Websites for Inconsistencies: A candidate's website is a primary source of information for voters. By utilizing AI, candidates can analyze their competitor's website to identify potential inconsistencies in their platform issues. ChatGPT can crawl through vast amounts of textual data, pinpointing any contradictions or shifts in stance over time. This information can be invaluable in exposing weaknesses and inconsistencies in the opposition's messaging and highlighting areas where the candidate's own platform may resonate more strongly with voters. SEE APPENDIX I FOR ADAM SCHIFF EXAMPLE.


Identifying Weaknesses in the Opposition: With AI's analytical capabilities, political candidates can employ ChatGPT to conduct in-depth analysis of their opposition. By feeding the language model with speeches, policy papers, and public statements of their opponents, it can identify weak points, gaps in their arguments, and areas of vulnerability. ChatGPT can analyze the opposition's past record, voting history, and public statements, helping to uncover any inconsistencies or contradictions that could undermine their credibility.

Leveraging AI Recommendations to Capture More Voters: Once weaknesses in the opposition have been identified, AI can play a crucial role in formulating effective strategies to capitalize on those weaknesses. ChatGPT can provide data-driven recommendations based on historical campaign data, voter sentiment analysis, and other relevant factors.

  1. Tailoring Messaging: AI can help candidates craft targeted messaging that effectively communicates their strengths and resonates with the concerns of voters. By analyzing the language used by the opposition, ChatGPT can suggest alternative approaches to frame key issues, helping candidates to stand out and capture voter attention.

  2. Social Media Engagement: In today's digital age, social media platforms are crucial battlegrounds for political campaigns. AI tools can analyze vast amounts of social media data to identify the opposition's weaknesses and identify trends in public sentiment. By understanding the concerns and aspirations of the electorate, candidates can tailor their social media strategies to engage voters effectively.

  3. Refining Policy Positions: AI's ability to process and analyze large amounts of data can assist candidates in refining their policy positions. By examining public sentiment, demographic trends, and historical voting patterns, ChatGPT can provide insights that help candidates adjust their policy proposals to align more closely with voter preferences.

  4. Predictive Analytics: AI can help candidates anticipate the impact of their strategies on various voter segments. By leveraging predictive analytics, ChatGPT can simulate potential scenarios, enabling candidates to make more informed decisions about resource allocation, messaging, and voter outreach efforts.

Conclusion: In the realm of political campaigns, leveraging AI tools such as ChatGPT and Google Bard can provide candidates with a competitive edge. Through competitive analysis, identifying weaknesses in the opposition, and formulating effective strategies, political candidates can enhance their chances of capturing more voters. However, it's important to remember that AI is a tool that augments human decision-making and should be used in conjunction with human judgment and expertise. As AI technology continues to evolve, political campaigns that embrace its potential stand to benefit greatly in their quest for electoral success.


Analyzing the Adam Schiff for Senate website for inconsistencies between website content and previous positions and public remarks using Google Bard, CLICK HERE FOR A LINK TO GOOGLE BARD.

PROMPT: "Analyze Adam Schiff's website for US Senate and identify inconsistencies in his website from his previous positions and public statements. The website is"


I analyzed Adam Schiff's website for US Senate and identified the following inconsistencies in his website from his previous positions and public statements:

  • On the issue of healthcare: On his website, Schiff states that he supports "Medicare for All," a single-payer healthcare system. However, in the past, Schiff has said that he is "open to a variety of approaches" to healthcare reform, including a public option.

  • On the issue of gun control: On his website, Schiff states that he supports "common-sense gun safety measures," such as universal background checks and an assault weapons ban. However, in the past, Schiff has voted against some gun control measures, such as a ban on high-capacity magazines.

  • On the issue of immigration: On his website, Schiff states that he supports "comprehensive immigration reform" that would provide a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. However, in the past, Schiff has said that he is "not sure" whether he supports a path to citizenship.

It is important to note that these are just a few examples of inconsistencies between Schiff's website and his previous positions and public statements. It is possible that Schiff's views on these issues have evolved over time. However, the inconsistencies raise questions about Schiff's honesty and transparency.

In addition to the inconsistencies mentioned above, there are a few other things that I noticed about Schiff's website. First, the website is very focused on Schiff's personal accomplishments. There is very little information about Schiff's policy positions or his plans for the Senate. Second, the website is very partisan. There is a lot of negative rhetoric about Schiff's opponents, but very little positive rhetoric about Schiff himself.

Overall, I found Schiff's website to be somewhat disappointing. The website is not very informative, and it is very partisan. I would like to see Schiff provide more information about his policy positions and his plans for the Senate. I would also like to see Schiff tone down the negative rhetoric about his opponents.

AIGoogle BardPolitical CampaignsCompetitive Analysis
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Michael Lucy

Entrepreneur with 25 year veteran of IT, software development, marketing, and online community development experience. Passionate about communicating cutting edge and evolving technology.

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